Sunday 14 August 2011

i seem to be different

i seem to be different if not 
then why am i alone 
my lonlines dosent mean im week 
Im not like them 
Im not like them and I never will be
Nobody knows me, I'm cold
Walk down this road all alone
It's no one's fault but my own
It's the path I've chosen to go
Frozen as snow I show no emotion whatsoever so
Don't ask me why I have no love for anyone
its them who did me wrong in the past 
and for that i decide not to show weeknes 
iam storng and no body can take me down 
i do not scare of death 
i do not fear pain
I'm Glad I'm Me

and from now on ,, 
no more tears For the pain and sorrow
and every tear , I will no longer fear
I will walk away with pride and grace
No more tears will run down this face.

NO I WONT CRY FOR BEING ALONE , im save here , thank you god

as i sit here alone with only four walls to look at 
and knowing how far im from home 
and When i feel so lonely and my heart is breaking,
then my tears fill my eyes and i start hating 

i just remembered that out there in this world 
there is people who is in much in need 
who they have no homes 
who they sleep in the street 
who dies of hunger 
and people that cant sleep of pain 
there is just no way to compare my pain 

i have seen many who dies for no reason 
i have seen a children who suffer 
their family just died in a front of their eyes
who have been shot while they were going to school   

god be with him ,, save those tears of him 

then suddenly my tears start to come down 
and then i start to relies what a good life i have here 
and i thank you god, 
thank you for all the blessings that i have 
please forgive me when i whine 
save all those who suffer , be with them
guide them and protect them
for those are much in need to YOU .

when that day will come ,,

Would anyone care?
What would they say?
Would they come to my funeral?
Or just turn away?

i keep think of that day 
when i will be inside the ground 
i know my time will come 
i know that is soon 
i have seen many who is around me 
how they have been gone 

No one would care
Because no one would know
Just like they don't now
Because I don't let it show

All they see is a smile
Across my face
They don't see the darkness
They don't know this place

i know i have to get ready for this it wont 
take time ,, 

Thursday 11 August 2011

i need YOU .

I'll bury myself in your safe arms, 

And cry to the sky to you, 'You found me! '
I'll then finally be completed, 
And my eyes and heart finally won't be cloudy.

I'm only human
i do have a feelings 
I'm not perfect 
i do mistake ,anyone does 
I'm tired of the days just passing by 
my mom is not here to comfort me 
my dad keep working hard each and everyday
i need to wake up ,i need to stand up even when
I'm all alone .
An injury I have in my heart.
I wish somebody could repair its parts.
But nobody sure is with me right now, 
I just want to see you somehow. 
oh god listen to me ,hear me 
and light up my life .

Wednesday 10 August 2011

A thought from a religious man .

Forgive me GOD
For the wrongs I have done
For anger I shouldn't have
Against anyone
I know I'm weak GOD
But I love You, I really do
And in spite of my weakness
I know You love me too
Forgive ME for not reading
Forgive ME for not practicing 
Forgive ME for not implementing Your eternal Words 
Oh GOD let ME come to the understanding 
Forgive ME for being too tired 
When I don't take the time to pray 
While all others lay in shame 
With ignorance i forget your way 
Give me the strength, Oh god ! 
To do what I should each day 
Let Your love shine through me 
So others will follow Your way
No one knows the emotions that fill my heart.
No body could possibly understand!
I wouldn't know where to start.
Because when I'm all alone,
I enter my own land!
I cry for you in the dark.
I cry for you my other half.
To keep it safe throughout the night.
i feel so safe so happy after my tears come out
because i know you there i know you hear me god 
Sometimes I sit for hours
and cry along to you only my lord!

Dreaming away
I feel happy and free, I wait for the day 
when all my heart is fill with your love 
I promise I will love you for eternity
I'll love you through happiness and hate!
So now I'm waiting for you to save me god 
and until that day.
I'll forever cry for you in the dark! 

Even though I've failed You god 
I know You'll forgive me 
And this I promise Lord 
A better man I will be 

I Am a Man

I am a man of passion, of conviction, of faith.
I am a man of love, of laughter and of anger.
I am a man of strength, who despairs, who weeps.
I am a man enraged by mans inhumanity to man
and perplexed by He who seems unable to
stop the madness.

I weep for those who worship at the alter
of ambition, for they shall leave in their
wake, their children, their loved ones,
millions of orphans of success.

I am the most intelligent and I have many faults.
I am all these things and more...for I am man. 

this one dedicated to you ( S )

We have shared many unforgettable moments
every day was full of fun and enjoyment
You laughter your talk and smiles
Always lifted my spirits high
A sister touch and a loyal friend
Was always there till the end
From my heart your memories would never depart
i will miss my friend who always was there for me
i will miss my friend who always cared for me
But hope our friendship will tie us together
Wherever you will go, we'll always be friends forever
May prayers of mine fill your life
A thankful heart and a wishful friend is here
Accept my apologies and never forget me dear

i do not know if one day you will see what i wrote to you here 
all what i wanted to say that im missing you 
i know you have been throw a lot my friend 
and for that you will always be in my mind 
take care wherever you are and remember
Distance never separates two hearts that really care 
and as i once told you if you still remember 
A daily thought... 
A silent tear... 
A Constant wish that u r near... 
Words are few but thoughts r deep... 
Memories of our frenship i'll always keep!!

The Whistleblower

its one of the movies that really touch my feelings ,, and just showed me how the world is so cruel .it also shows that human trafficking is one of the fastest growing criminal industries its estimated nearly 2,5 million people are being trafficked around the world .
sad but its true .  

Tuesday 9 August 2011

Take me from my hand

I'm hurt all the time.
I don't want to cry for the way I feel inside.
I just want someone to hold me...
I'm alone in the dark, please try to find me.
If no one cares, I don't see a point to go on.
Anyone find me! Anyone care!
I'm sorry, I just don't want to be alone anymore.
I feel unheard and unseen. Depressed and weak.
No one cares and yet I'm always the sorry one.
Someone find me! I'm scared.
Please hold me until it all ends.
Just hold me that’s all I want.
I don't want to be alone in the dark.
Just hold me as I start to disappear from the light.
Just hold me as I start to cry.
Just hold me so I wont be alone inside.
Just hold me so I don't do something wrong.
Just hold me so tight, that for a moment I could feel the light....


When I first saw you I felt shy and scared
you seemed like an Angel from up above.
You were just standin’ there lookin’ so fine,
Everytime I saw you, my heart would melt,
I wanted to to tell you  just how I felt.

i just wanted to say hi 
I wasn’t sure just what to say.
Now I just wanna yell and shout 

im happy i finally talked to you 
i finally saw your smile  
dont laugh at me it just that 
my heart beat fast anytime your near 
and When I look into your eyes you look the other way
I can't help but stare at you,
When I see you everyday I never know what to say my heart beats so fast 
I hope this moment will last but unfortunately when
I am with you time always goes by fast
and now all i want is for you to trust me 
coz i will never would harm such an angel like you .

Don't laugh at me, Don't call me names

Don't get your pleasure from my pain

In God's eyes we're all the same

Someday we'll all have perfect wings

Don’t laugh at me for what i said 

god bless you my friend .

i sit around and wonder,
and watch the days go by.
I look at all the pictures,
and ask, why did you have to die?
You've always been there for me,
because you were my best friend,
and I was always there for you
until the very end.
But now it's time to let you go,
your spirit now is free.
Even though you won't really be gone,
because you'll live inside of me.
So when we have to leave you
at your resting place,
I will always remember
your smiling, beautiful face.
This is hardly a goodbye,
so I won't weep anymore,
because now you're in better place
then you ever were before.
Even though that I will miss you,
and I'll think about you everyday
you'll always be my best friend,
and that's all I have to say.

Our friendship is forever
Until death, did we part
Although your away physically
You’re always in my heart

i miss you and i pray for you everyday 
,,may god bless you and your soul will be in heaven .
thanks for leaving me a beautiful memory ,
 every time i remember i CRY .

obada khlil


Forget me...
Don't think of me...
walk by me and think of me as a stranger.
Don't look back.
Just walk away...

i never understand the meaning of friends ,
they all say that but then they all just leave ,

Why it hurts, when people leave you

we all do mistake ,
even god forgive so why people doesn't 
i really hate this world ,
all the emptiness i feel and all the hate i see ,
i never understand why

I feel alone and sad and depressed 

I really have a good life but there is something missing 
I feel alone all the time I feel so alone that I wish I where in heaven 
I walk this world alone and depressed and sad each and every day
Why do I feel this way?
i guess its all because I'm far from my home Far from home ,I whisper my father's name
once, twice ,I close my eyes
I know he is home now
smiling,laughing with my mom

My mother is baking bread
She is smiling
I know she is
every time she thinks of me.

They live twice as long as me
for their days are longer
down there in the beautiful South.

my books covered in dust
my friends have moved North
where days are short
and memories suppressed, postponed
and put on hold for some other (rainy) day...

If I could have an open window
where I can lean from
and see my South every time I want to
see the sunsets
see the rainbows
hear the children play on the dusty streets
see my little nephew the moment he opens his eyes
and reaches out for his mother's breast...

See my father
walking down the stone paved streets
tall and proud and silent...

If only...
If only...




this is my first post here ,,, 
and i guess what really goes on my mind
now is you mom ..
i would love to tell you few words from my heart ,,
i miss you i really do .
and Because you are my mom, God’s gift to me was you
As your son I will always love you and promise to be true
I thank you for so many things and will try to never make you sad or blue